PHP Solutions

Chapter 6

The theme of this chapter is uploading files.

Note: None of these scripts will actually upload files.

Solution Index

Inspecting the $_FILES array
Showing the array produced when using the $_FILES superglobal.
Upload anything. The script has no handling, so the file is dumped immediately.
PHP Solutions 6-1
Basic file upload
Uploads the file to a specific folder
PHP Solutions 6-2
Making filenames web-safe
the script now replaces empty spaces in the file name with an underscore using str_replace.
PHP Solutions 6-3
Setting a size limit and displaying outcome
The size limit is 3000 bytes. The outcomes tell whether the file is too large, was not sent, or uploaded correctly.
PHP Solutions 6-4
Restricting upload file types
Restricts the file types to .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png.
PHP Solutions 6-5
Using a timestamp to create a unique name
Checks to see if the new file shares a name with one already in the folder, if so, it prefixes a timestamp to the filename.
PHP Solutions 6-6
Creating user-specific upload folders
Checks to see if a directory with said username exists, if it doesn't, it makes it.(Username is hardcoded.)
PHP Solutions 6-7
Processing a multiple file upload
Adding a second upload field and processing both simultaneously.