PHP Solutions

Chapter 4

The theme of this chapter is includes. That is when various parts of a web page are "included" from an outside file.

This allows for the ability of changing one file across 100's of pages. Like a stylesheet for logic.

Solution Index

PHP Solution 4-1
Moving the navigation menu and footer to include files
The code responsible for the navigation and footer are in two separate files and called with the include method.
PHP Solution 4-2
Testing the security of includes
There is a line of code which holds a password, because it's in PHP tags, it is not shown through View -> Source
PHP Solution 4-3
Automatically settiing a style to indicate the current page
If you click on a link on the left-hand menu, the white indicator will change with the current page.
PHP Solution 4-4
Automatically generating a page's title from its filename
Taking the filename and putting it into the Title tag.
PHP Solution 4-5
Automatically updating a copyright notics
The copyright at the bottom of the page now displays the begin year and the currenty year.
PHP Solution 4-6
Displaying a random image
Refreshing the home page will show the images are cycling.
PHP Solution 4-7
Adding a caption to the random image
Using an associative array to display a caption along with an image.
PHP Solution 4-8
Using includes with absolute pathnames
Luckily, my server supports this: $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']